Every 10 years, the federal government conducts a headcount of every person living in the country as part of the U.S. Census.
The number of people counted in the Census determines how more than $800 billion in transportation, education, healthcare, housing, and other resources is distributed to states and local communities. Funding for SNAP. Illinois representatives. School lunches. Plans for highways. Census results will affect you and our community every day!
This is why it is critical that everyone is counted in the 2020 census. This includes children, green card holders, and hard-to-reach populations. The Census is also a great short-term job opportunity.
I am pleased to co-sponsor the 2020 Census Forum so that 44th ward and other Northside residents can learn more about the 2020 census and how to apply for Census jobs.
The forum will take place on Tuesday, March 10 from 6:00 – 8:00 pm at the Truman College McKeon Lobby, 1145 W. Wilson Ave. Enjoy refreshments from local restaurants while you learn about the importance of the 2020 Census and how you can help to ensure that everyone is counted.