The City of Chicago has a new weapon in the fight against crime — and that new weapon is you, the community. A new partnership between police and community is the foundation of Chicago’s own philosophy of community policing, known as CAPS — Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy.
What makes CAPS innovative is that it brings the police, the community, and other City agencies together to identify and solve neighborhood crime problems, rather than simply react to their symptoms after the fact. Problem solving at the neighborhood level is supported by a variety of strategies, including neighborhood-based beat officers; regular Beat Community Meetings involving police and residents; extensive training for both police and community; more efficient use of City services that impact crime; and new technology to help police and residents target crime hot spots.
With CAPS, police officers continue to enforce the law and respond rapidly to serious crimes and life-threatening emergencies. But CAPS recognizes that the police alone cannot solve the City’s crime problems. It takes a combined effort of police, community, and City government working together.
Beat Meetings
CAPS has bi-monthly community meetings where residents have the opportunity to talk to the officers who patrol their neighborhood. Residents are encouraged to bring questions or concerns regarding safety, quality of life issues and City services.
The 44th Ward is served by the 19th District which is bounded by Lawrence, Lake Shore Drive, Fullerton, and the Chicago River. Each police district is divided in beats, and each beat has a team of beat officers assigned to it. Police representatives from these teams and local community leaders conduct the CAPS meetings.
19th District Beat Meetings in the 44th Ward
To find what beat you live or work in please click here.
To find out when your next beat meeting is, click here.