Sewer Projects
Greenview & Roscoe Sewer Main:
Roscoe (Janssen to Marshfield)
Greenview (Belmont to Roscoe)
Project: City of Chicago Department of Water Management and Reliable Construction Corp. crews will be installing 2841, feet of new 24-inch, 30-inch and 48-inch sewer main on N. Greenview, from W. Belmont to W. Roscoe and W. Roscoe from N. Janssen to N. Marshfield.
Timing: Crews will begin installing the new sewer main on February 8th, and expect the sewer main installation to be completed mid-May 2016. Restoration of the street opening, curbs and parkway will follow the completion of the sewer main installation. Dates may change depending on weather and other factors. If there is any appreciable change, we will notify you.
Traffic: During the initial phase of construction on N. Greenview, the intersection of W. Belmont and N. Greenview will be closed. Westbound traffic on W. Belmont will be detoured east of N. Greenview to W. Diversey. One lane of eastbound traffic will remain on W. Belmont throughout the initial phase. Local traffic will be permitted on W. Greenview and N. Roscoe throughout the duration of the project.
Parking: Parking in the work areas will be reduced and/or eliminated. “No Parking” no parking signs will be posted as needed to inform of such closures.
Can I park when you’re not working? We have no problem with you parking outside of our working hours. We have to insist that cars be out of our way at the start of the workday.
Will you shut my water off? We do not anticipate any sewer or water service interruption. Whenever heavy construction is being done, and any sort of shut down is needed, we will do our best to notify you as soon as possible.
Sheffield (Wellington to Barry) Sewer Main
Project: City of Chicago Department of Water Management and Reliable Construction Co. crews will be installing approximately 680 feet of new sewer main in N. Sheffield, from W. Wellington to W. Barry.
- Phase 1: Sheffield/Wellington Intersection – In-Progress
Estimated Start & Duration: February 29th – March 25th (4 Weeks)
Local Traffic: No traffic through Sheffield/Wellington intersection except northbound Sheffield turning right onto eastbound Wellington - Phase 2: Sheffield from Wellington to Nelson – In Progress
Estimated Start & Duration: March 25th – April 15th (3 Weeks)
Local Traffic: Sheffield between Wellington and Nelson closed 24/7. East and west traffic on Wellington open through Sheffield intersection. Access to Nelson open to traffic heading southbound on Sheffield to eastbound Nelson. - Phase 3: Sheffield from Nelson to Barry – Pending
Estimated Start & Duration: April 15th – May 6th (3 Weeks)
Local Traffic: Sheffield between Nelson and Barry closed 24/7. Sheffield/Wellington intersection open. Access to Nelson open to traffic heading northbound on Sheffield to eastbound Nelson.
Traffic and Parking: Full continuous street closure throughout each phase of the project.
Parking on Sheffield from Wellington to Barry will be restricted between 7:00am and 4:00pm, Monday through Friday.
Detour: Southbound Sheffield Ave to eastbound Belmont Ave, to southbound Clark St, to southbound Halsted St, to westbound Diversey Parkway, and back to southbound Sheffield. Northbound Sheffield Ave to westbound Diversey Parkway, to northbound Racine Ave, to eastbound Belmont Aev, and back to northbound Sheffield Ave.
Water Projects
Addison/Clark/Patterson Water Main Project
Project: Department of Water Management and Joel Kennedy Construction Corp. crews will be installing 505 feet of new 8-inch and 4,534 feet of new 12-inch water main in W. Addison, from N. Ashland to N. Clark, N. Clark, from N. Racone to W. Addison and W. Patterson, from N. Racine to N. Clark.
Reason: The old water main dates back to 1916 and needs to be replaced.
Traffic: We will allow traffic to flow on W. Addison, N. Clark and W. Patterson outside of our working hours. During working hours, we will limit traffic flow on Addison to one lane in each direction. Traffic will be detoured while working in N. Clark and W. Patterson for safety reasons, but you will always be able to reach your home or business.
Detour: Full continuous street closure of Clark.
Northbound Clark: Westbound on Addison, Northbound on Ashland, Eastbound on Irving, continuing north on Clark. Southbound Clark: reverse order.
Parking: We will post our work area for “No Parking” as needed, during work hours (7am- 4pm). We are agreeable to parking outside of those hours, but will have to insist that cars be moved by the start of the next workday. We will try to preserve as much parking as we can.
Can I park when you’re not working? We have no problem with you parking outside of our working hours. We have to insist that cars be out of our way at the start of the workday.
Briar/Barry/Wellington Water Main:
Project: Department of Water Management and Joel Kennedy Construction Corp. crews will be installing 385 feet of new 8-inch water main in W. Briar Place, 525 feet of new 8-inch water main in W. Barry Avenue and 685 feet of new 8-inch water main in W. Wellington Avenue.
Reason: The old water main dates back to 1913 and needs to be replaced.
Traffic: Traffic will be restricted from 7am to 4pm, Monday through Friday. Outside of working hours the street will be open to traffic.
Parking: “No Parking” signs will are posted as needed (7am- 4pm). We are agreeable to parking outside of those hours, but will have to insist that cars be moved by the start of the next workday. We will try to preserve as much parking as we can.
Will you shut my water off? Yes, maybe a couple of times. When we switch over the services from the old main to the new main, we interrupt service. We give you 24-hour notice when this is to happen. In any construction project, there is also a risk that an old pipe will break. They can be fragile. This may necessitate an emergency shutdown. If we do this, we will let you know what is happening, even though we may be unable to give prior warning.
After your old water main has been replaced and you have been connected to your new water main, please open all your water faucets and hose taps and flush your water for 3 to 5 minutes. Sediment and metals can collect in the aerator screen located at the tip of your faucets. These screens should be removed prior to flushing. This flushing will help maintain optimum water quality by removing sediment, rust, or any lead particulates that may have come loose from your property’s water service line as a result of the water main replacement. If you have any questions or concerns about your water quality, please call 312-744-8190.
Cornelia & Eddy Water Main Project
Project: City of Chicago Department of Water Management and Joel Kennedy Construction Corp. crews will be installing approximately 3,258 feet of new 8-inch water main in W. Cornelia, from N. Southport to N. Clark and in W. Eddy, from N. Racine to N. Clark. The old water main dates back to 1893, and needs to be replaced.
Parking: “No Parking” signs will be posted on Cornelia from Clark to Southport and Eddy from Clark to Racine and will be restricted between 7:00am and 4:00pm, Monday through Friday. Parking will be allowed outside of working hours, we insist that vehicles be moved before the next working day.
Traffic: When working in the street, crews may restrict or close it to traffic for safety reasons, but you will always be able to reach your home. A lane of traffic will be left open outside of working hours for local traffic only.
Greenview/Roscoe Water Main:
Project: Department of Water Management crews will be installing 2,626 feet of new 8-inch water main pipe on W. Roscoe from N. Ashland to N. Southport and on N. Greenview from W. Belmont to W. Roscoe.
Parking: “No Parking” signage will be posted in work zone locations restricting parking from 7a.m. to 4p.m. Monday through Friday. We are agreeable to parking outside of those hours, but will have to insist that cars be moved by the start of the next workday. We will try to preserve as much parking as possible.
Traffic: Traffic will be restricted during work hours. We will allow traffic to flow on W. Roscoe and N. Greenview outside of work hours. You will always be able to reach your home or business, even if it means putting a metal plate in place.
Will you shut my water off? Yes, maybe a couple of times. When crews switch over the services from the old main to the new main, we interrupt service. 24-hour notice will be given prior to any planned water shut off. In any construction project, there is also a risk that an old pipe may break. This may necessitate an emergency shutdown. If an emergency shutdown is required crews will let you know what is happening, even though prior notice can not be given.
After your water service has been re-established please open all of your water faucets and hose taps and flush your water for 3 to 5 minutes. Sediment and metals can collect in the aerator screen located at the tip of your kitchen and bathroom faucets. These screens should be removed prior to flushing. Flushing will help maintain optimum water quality by removing sediment, rust or any lead particulates that may have come loose from your property’s water service line as a result of the water service interruption. If you have any questions or concerns about your water quality, please call Water Quality at 312.744.8190.
Sheffield/Fletcher Water Main:
Project: Department of Water Management and Joel Kennedy Construction Corp. crews will be installing 1,088 feet of new 8-inch and 1,179 feet of new 12-inch water main in N. Sheffield, from W. Belmont to W. Wellington and W. Fletcher, from N. Sheffield to N. Clark.
Fletcher Traffic: Traffic will be restricted from 7am to 4pm, Monday through Friday. Outside of working hours the street will be open to traffic.
Sheffield Traffic: Traffic will be reduced to one lane from 7am to 4pm, Monday through Friday. Flaggers will be present to guide drivers through the work zone. Outside of working hours the street will be re-opened to traffic.
Parking: “No Parking” signs will be posted as needed (7am- 4pm). We are agreeable to parking outside of those hours, but will have to insist that cars be moved by the start of the next workday. We will try to preserve as much parking as we can.
Will you shut my water off? Yes, maybe a couple of times. When crews switch over the services from the old main to the new main, it will interrupt service. 24-hour notice will be given when a planned shut-off is expected. In any construction project, there is also a risk that an old pipe will break. This may necessitate an emergency shutdown. In cases of emergency shut offs, crews will let you know what is happening, even though they may be unable to give prior warning.
After your old water main has been replaced and you have been connected to your new water main, please open all your water faucets and hose taps and flush your water for 3 to 5 minutes. Sediment and metals can collect in the aerator screen located at the tip of your faucets. These screens should be removed prior to flushing. This flushing will help maintain optimum water quality by removing sediment, rust, or any lead particulates that may have come loose from your property’s water service line as a result of the water main replacement. If you have any questions or concerns about your water quality, please call 312-744-8190. If you would like to request a home test kit in order to test the quality of your water please visit Water Quality.