This is a proposal to turn the Lakeview Lutheran Church, which has a smaller congregation than in the past, into a mixed use-church and disability accessible rental building. This development will serve residents at or below 30% of the area’s median income with accessibility needs, which is a hard to serve population. It is an opportunity to provide affordable and permanent supportive housing in this location. The proposed building includes both landscaping and lighting to increase safety around the site. The proposed building is six stories and has a height of 69 feet.
The property was rezoned to B1-3 in late-2020. The project secured funding to move forward in 2021. In July 2022, the Connected Communities Equitable Transit-Oriented Development (ETOD) ordinance was adopted by City Council. The ETOD ordinance amended design requirements for ground floor uses in the B1-3 District. In order to allow the project to proceed with the design that was presented to the community, Alderman Tunney has introduced an ordinance to rezone the property to the RM-6 Residential Multi-Unit District (“RM-6 District”). The rezoning to the RM-6 District is scheduled to be heard by the Committee on Zoning at 10 am on November 29, 2022 at an in-person public hearing in City Council chambers. No changes to the project have been made, the change request will simply let the project proceed as previously proposed.
Supporting Documents
835 W Addison – Triangle Neighbors Meeting Documents
835 W. Addison – 9/9/20 Project Plan Updated for Aldermanic Review
835 W. Addison – 11/11/20 FINAL Updated Project Plan
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