Alderman Tunney has been working with the Cubs and various city departments to put together an improved plan for the Blue Lot that does not include a tent. While those conversations have been complicated, we have arrived at a compromise plan that is ready for community review.
The Cubs propose to build a covered structure over the southern portion of the lot for player drop-off with the northern portion of the lot uncovered. There will be new fencing and landscaping on Seminary and they propose to keep the fencing along the alley at the same location – leaving a 12 foot alley for the Clifton neighbors. This is an interim remedy while a more permanent solution is worked out.
We have scheduled a meeting to review and discuss this proposal for Tuesday, February 5th at 6:30pm in the 19th District Community Room, 850 W. Addison. We hope you can attend this important meeting but we will also take email comments on the proposal to
The matter is on the schedule for the Zoning Board of Appeals on February 15th which allows enough time for the structure to be built prior to opening day.
Updated Plans 2.13.19
Below is the updated site plan for the Blue Lot for the February 15th Zoning Board of Appeals hearing.
A few things to note:
- The fence along Grace has been moved 100′ to the south of to allow for better access to the alley to and from Grace.
- They have called out the existing trees that will remain once the work is complete.