Alley Apron Menu
- 2817 N. Pine Grove
Alley Resurfacing Menu
- Between Melrose & Belmont from Lakewood to Racine
- Between Diversey & Surf from Broadway to Cambridge
- Between Racine and Seminary from Diversey to Wolfram
- Between Newport and Roscoe from Clark to Halsted
- Between Southport and Lakewood from School to Melrose
- Between Clark and Sheffield from Addison to Cornelia
- Between Newport and Cornelia from Racine to Seminary
Alley Speed Hump Menu
- 622 W. Wellington
Concrete Alley Menu
- Between Sheridan and Lake Shore Drive West form Wellington to Oakdale
- Between Janssen and Greenview from Grace to Waveland
Curb and Gutter Menu
- 3730-3732 N. Kenmore
- North side of Waveland from Southport to Janssen
- South side of Waveland from Sheffield to Alley East
- East side of Seminary from Waveland to Grace
Sidewalk Menu
- 3310 N. Sheffield
- Wolfram from Racine to Seminary
- 1119 W. Grace
- 3212 N. Lakewood
Street Light Residential Staggered Piggy Back Menu
- On Wilton from Addison to Waveland
- On Clifton from Waveland to Grace
- On Kenmore from Waveland to Grace
- On Sheffield from Waveland to Grace
- On Grace from Clark to Sheffield
- On Waveland from Sheffield to Wilton
Street Light Upgrade Menu
- 2815 N. Racine
- 3518 N. Greenview
Street Resurfacing Menu
- On Sheffield from Wolfram to Wellington
- On Racine from Diversey to Belmont
- On Buckingham from Broadway to Clark
- On Melrose from Broadway to Halsted
- On Grace from Clark to Lakewood
- On Sheffield from Roscoe to Addison
Traffic Signal Modernization Menu
- Roscoe and Lake Shore Drive (LED, Pedestrian Countdown, Audible Pedestrian Signal)