Complimentary, non-enforceable, No Parking signage for residential moves are available to residents of the 44th Ward. To obtain these signs, please stop by the 44th Ward Service Office with proof of residency and a photo ID.
No Parking signs are available for an eight hour window, between the hours of 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM or 9:00 AM-5:00 PM. Residents may not reserve space for more than one day at a time. Signs must be picked up and posted AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MOVE.
Please note that these signs are non-enforceable.
Signs must be posted in Legal Parking Spaces. Street Cleaning Signs take precedence over Moving Signs. Vehicles parked when Street Cleaning signs are posted are subject to ticket. Do Not post signs in existing Loading Zones, marked Tow Zones, Driveways, Crosswalks or at a Fire Hydrant.
Residential Move Signs are NOT Valid on Commercial Streets with Paid (Pay Box) Parking.
Commercial Trucks will not be allowed in a designated security perimeter bound by Halsted to Racine and Belmont to Irving Park, beginning THREE hours prior to any Wrigley Field event until ONE hour after the event.
The Chicago Department of Transportation also provides enforceable No Parking signs for residential moves. For a fee of $25, CDOT will provide enforceable signs to eligible moving companies (enabling ticketing or towing) for the day of the move. For more information on this program, please contact the Department of Transportation’s permit portal by clicking here.
Moving pods / containers are not allowed on the public way, no exceptions. My office has received an increasing number of calls from residents asking about the rules pertaining to the use of moving pods. By City ordinance those pods cannot be on the public way (sidewalks, streets, curbs, parkways, and alleys) and if they are the renter of the pod will face steep fines. Moving pods can only be left on private property or in a privately owned parking space or driveway.