3443 N Ashland Land Owner LLC, an Illinois limited liability company, the owner of the subject site (the “Applicant”), is proposing to develop a newly-constructed masonry building containing 42 dwelling units, 12 parking spaces and 51 bicycle spaces in a transit-served location, specifically, the subject property’s frontage is on the CTA bus line corridor roadway segment served by the Ashland / 9 and Ashland Express / X9 bus routes, as listed in Table 17-10-0102-B.1.a of the zoning Ordinance.
To construct the proposed project, the Applicant seeks a change of zoning classification for the subject property from C1-2 to B2-3.
The 12,832 square foot site (approximately 120’ x 107’) is a rectangularly-shaped parcel on the east side of North Ashland Avenue. It is bounded by a public alley on the east and other parcels currently under development on the north and south. The subject site is presently improved with a one- and two-story building that had contained offices and a printing plant, which will be razed. The land use in the immediate area of the proposed rezoning consists of four-story residential buildings across North Ashland Avenue. The developments proposed for the adjacent property to the north and south are residential buildings of comparable bulk and density.