Neighborhood Greenways turn roads into places for people. Greenways are residential streets with low speeds and low traffic volumes where people walking and biking are given priority. They create a more welcoming, livable street environment by applying traffic calming and innovative design strategies to a corridor. Greenways are still conducive to local vehicle traffic and street parking, but they improve traffic safety for everyone. More people walking and biking also means more “eyes on the street,” making for a safer and friendlier community!
Neighborhood Greenways
Neighborhood Greenways are generally located on residential streets and are designed to maintain safe vehicle speeds, reduce non-local vehicle traffic and to prioritize people. Traffic calming structures, pavement markings and signage are used to improve safety for all modes of transportation; bicyclists, pedestrians and motorists. Residents across the country are enjoying Neighborhood Greenways and benefiting from quieter streets, pleasant neighborhoods, and the ability to feel safe and comfortable while riding a bike and walking in their community.
Click here to download the complete City of Chicago: Streets for Cycling 2023 Plan.
Update – 8/20/18
Summit Construction crews have completed the installation of all Curb Extensions/Bump-outs, Speed Humps and a majority of the lane striping as part of the Greenway Project. Crews are currently installing the raised crosswalk at School and Clifton near Hawthorne School. This raised crosswalk is expected to be complete by Friday, August 31st.
Update – 7/18/18
Summit Construction crews will begin Bump Out installations at several intersections along School/Aldine between Ashland and Inner Lake Shore Drive on Monday, July 23rd. Crews anticipate having all bump outs completed by mid-August. Completion of the Greenway project is expected by September.
Update – 7/5/18
Summit Construction Crews are expected to begin construction of the Greenway late this month. Crews will begin work on School St. and work east towards Lake Shore Drive.
Update – 7/6/17
The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) has reviewed and approved the proposed plans for W. School/W. Aldine & W. Roscoe routes.
Update – 6/1/17
In anticipation for 44th Ward Greenway project installation I have authorized the resurfacing of Roscoe between Racine and Southport and Roscoe between Broadway and Halsted. The resurfacing of both of these stretches of Roscoe establishes a smooth driving surface of the westbound cooridor. Both resurfacing projects are expected to be complete by mid to late July.
9/6/16 – Task Force Meeting #5
The School/Aldine and Roscoe Greenway project is currently wrapping up the planning and study phase. A special task force and the Department of Transportation (CDOT) have been reviewing traffic studies to create appropriate recommendations for community review. The task force and CDOT have reached an agreement of suitable traffic calming treatments for School/Aldine and Roscoe. In the coming months our office will hold a community forum to collect input and suggestions.
If you have questions, comments, concerns or suggestions about this project please contact my office at (773)525-6034 or email us at
I appreciate any and all feed back regarding this proposed Greenway project.