Janssen/Greenview/Byron Water Main Replacement Project 2001002
By late May, Department of Water Management (DWM) crews will begin to install 3,132 feet of new 8-inch water main in W Byron St from N Ashland Ave to N Southport Ave, in N Janssen Ave from W Irving Park Rd to W Grace St, and in N Greenview Ave from W Irving Park Rd to W Byron St. The old water main dates back to 1902, and needs to be replaced to create a more reliable and efficient system.
Automatic Email Updates
To receive automatic email updates about the progress of the project, please go to BuildingANewChicago.org to register. Simply enter your name, email address and the project identification number found at the top of this letter. Be sure to respond to the verification email you receive in order to get the updates. Your information will not be shared or used again.
You will be notified as the project enters each new construction phase – from our mobilization of equipment onto the site, to the installation of new pipes, to the final restoration of the street.
What You Need to Know During Construction
- Traffic: If we need to close or limit traffic during construction for safety reasons, you will always be able to reach your home or business. Outside of working hours, a travel lane will be left open for local traffic only.
- Parking: We will post “No Parking” signs as needed during work hours (generally 7am-4pm). Parking outside of those hours will be allowed, but cars will need to be moved by the start of the next workday. We will try to preserve as much parking space as possible.
- Service transfers: We will give you 24-hour notice when we will have to temporarily interrupt water service to transfer water to the new main and you will need to start flushing your water system (instructions on reverse). However, in the event of an emergency shutdown during construction, we may not be able to give you prior warning.
Possible Fence Removal
- DWM does everything possible to preserve homeowner improvements within the public right of way when doing infrastructure work. Any homeowner added improvements including fencing, landscaping etc. shall be removed by the individual homeowner prior to the water main installation.
DWM does not assume responsibility for damage to privately installed parkway improvements, including sprinkling systems, fences, flower beds and shrubbery
Should you have any questions or concerns you can call any of the following numbers:• 24-Hour City Service and Information Line: 311
- 44th Ward Office: 773-525-6034
- 47th Ward Office: 773-868-4747
- DWM Office of Public Affairs: 312-744-6635
What You Need to Know Following Construction
Work involving the water system like water main installation or repairs can dislodge small particles of contaminants, including lead, which can affect your drinking water. Ingesting lead can have significant health risks. For more information about the health effects of lead, go to www.CDC.gov/nceh/lead or www.epa.gov/lead/learn-about-lead.
Use Recommended Flushing Practices
Studies show that flushing water through your pipes is an effective approach to lowering lead levels and exposure. Detailed instructions for intensive flushing following water main work are enclosed.
Register for Free Filter Set
Out of our commitment to providing our residents with the highest quality water, the Department of Water Management is offering single family houses and buildings with two apartments a free water filter set- a pitcher and six cartridges NSF certified to remove lead if any is present in drinking water. Buildings with three or more apartments are not eligible at this time. Please visit www.chicagowaterquality.org today and register for your free water filter set. Enter your address and zip code and the set will be shipped to you completely free.
Possible Tree Removal
DWM does everything possible to preserve trees when doing infrastructure work. However, due to IEPA regulations concerning the separation of underground infrastructure and public safety concerns should a tree become unstable because of underground work, it is sometimes necessary to remove trees. In consultation with the Department of Streets and Sanitation’s Forestry Division, we make the decision on tree removal on a situational basis. You will be notified in advance if it will be necessary to remove trees during this project.
Thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation during this important infrastructure improvement project.